About the Artist ::

In “the studio” with my art. 2021

In “the studio” with my art. 2021

Drawing and enjoying the sunset. 2023

Indoor Bouldering 2023

My work area. 2020

My work area. 2020

Hiking at Scupture Falls. 2020

Hiking at Scupture Falls. 2020

An artist since birth, Trisha was born and raised in North Dakota then graduated from the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities:: where she Majored in Fine Arts with an emphasis in Photography. She lived in the San Francisco Bay Area where she expanded both both her artistic practice and life experiences. In 2005 she moved to Austin, TX where she became a teacher, spouse, and parent.

Currently she is working mostly in watercolor and mixed media. She has worked seriously with: photography, collage, drawing, fiber arts, book arts, and painting. She has dabbled in: metal scupture, performance art, ceramics, oil painting, acrylic painting, sumi ink, mixed-media installation art, comics, and ‘zines.

Find a simplified Resume here.

Other random facts: She was a florist and loves flower arranging. She loves gardening and has worked in the industry. She also loves climbing (indoor bouldering especially) hiking, swimming, and archery. She has a dog. Last, but not least, she is Enthralled by the beauty in Math. She has taught both art and math.

At the archery range. 2021

At the archery range. 2021

Indoor Bouldering. 2023